A Weekend with Family

The girls and I had a wonderful weekend with family! Friday my sister and her children came to pick us up. We road tripped to Arkansas (stopping at a rest stop to play and have a picnic lunch) to see our sister in law and her kids! After breakfast Saturday morning, we drove up to Harding University for Spring Sing (a fun show with some memorable talent!), ate at my favorite Mexican restaurant in Searcy, and then back to the hotel. (Eight children and 3 adults all crammed together in a hotel suite makes for lasting memories!) Sunday morning was a whirlwind, but attending worship service with my sisters and all our kiddos together made it well worth it!  And though we didn’t get as much “adult girl time” as we maybe wanted, it was wonderful to spend so much time with family. Time we needed to just be together.

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Front lawn on a beautiful day after Spring Sing!

That being said, do you ever have those times you get super overwhelmed? Nothing “bad” is going on, but there’s just so much movement around you and it’s so loud you can’t hear yourself think?

I felt that this weekend a few times. Granted, I am battling a cold and my head was stuffy most of time, but I still felt a couple of times like I was about to drown in my circumstances. I think that is because I am kind of a helicopter mom. (I admit it!) When my kids are with other kids, family or not, it’s hard for me to trust that they remember who they are and will be kind, polite, humble, and compassionate.  One of my biggest fears is that my kids won’t be those things when they’re around others, and that they’ll be influenced by the masses–however those masses behave.

My children are blessed with cousins and family who love God like we do, but I still want to hover. I want to make sure my children are behaving the way they’re supposed to… can any other moms relate? So how do we balance this? How do we maintain appropriate distance while they’re young and still mold them and teach them Christ-like behavior in all circumstances?

I think there are 2 answers here: 1) Model Christ-like behavior at home. In speech, in action, and especially in the moments you think they’re not listening or watching. They are, and they will behave like you’ve shown them. 2) Build them up with the Word of God. Help them to hide His words in their heart so that they can recall those Scriptures in moments of uncertainty.

I think my fears stem from a lack of preparedness. I haven’t done a good enough job of teaching them His Word and modeling grace & kindness when I think they’re not looking. When I’m diligent in those areas, I will be more likely to trust and relax when my children aren’t around me because I am confident I’ve taught/trained them well.

This is my plan anyway. It’s not fool proof, but I know it’s a great place to start!


Train up a child in the way he should go;
    even when he is old he will not depart from it.
~Proverbs 22:6

I have stored up your word in my heart,
    that I might not sin against you.
~Psalm 119:11