
I’m just starting the book “Uninvited” by Lysa TerKeurst, and Chapter 1 is all about honesty–getting down to the core of who you are and why. It’s an ugly adventure sometimes, but a necessary one.

When I think of honesty, I think of the Biblical definition of confession. In the New Testament it’s the Greek word, homologeo, meaning “to speak the same thing” or “to be in agreement with.” I cannot truly confess (a promise, the Son of God, God’s greatness/holiness, or my sinfulness) without being completely honest. I have to search inside myself and seek to see my heart the way God sees it. I have to want Him to expose me so that I CAN confess my sinful nature and the magnitude of His grace–grace that continually covers the price on my head.

Psalm 51:6 Behold, you delight in truth in the inward being,
    and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.

It’s not enough just to know it and say it, though, is it? If I don’t make a change, the confession is void. It means nothing.  The honesty means nothing. The work and diligence it takes to know my own heart and acknowledge the ugliness within it, is all fruitless without action.  Wes McAdams once wrote, “If we confess God’s omnipotence in praise, but we live in a constant state of fear and timidity, we are denying our confession and proving we are not really in agreement with the truth that God can take care of us.” (Read more of Wes’ wisdom here.)

Woah. That smacked me right between the eyes.  I don’t consider myself one who lives in a constant state of fear, but timidity? If I’m being honest, yes.  I am much more timid than I should be as an ambassador for Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:20) Because I DO believe in God’s awesome power and what He can accomplish through me! Why then, do I not act on that as often as I should? And where does that timidity come from?

Oh, right.
Ungodly fear.

Psalm 139
Search me, O God, and know my heart!

    Try me and know my thoughts!
24 And see if there be any grievous way in me,
    and lead me in the way everlasting!

God, please continue to search me and expose my sin to me.
Expose it so that I can honestly confess it and then change.
You are Holy, and I seek to live blameless and holy in Your sight.
Carve out my ugliness & sin, and mold me into the woman you created me to be that Your Kingdom may grow exponentially and Your name may be glorified throughout the world.
Use me to change the world through raw honesty and confession of how great Your grace, love, and longsuffering is to me.

I do. But do I?

“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'” ~Matt. 22:27

But what does that mean?? What does that look like??
Those questions rattled through my mind this morning while reading this plaque today.
My immediate thought was “yes! I do that!”
And then the gut-check settled in. Do I really?

Do I seek first His Church and righteousness as He defines it?
Do I lay money, prestige & popularity, comfort, friends, family, my preferences & my “rights” down at His feet?
Do I truly seek to know Him? Or do I simply live my life with Him in the background, occasionally giving Him credit for things that go right and continually questioning Him when things go wrong?
And if I don’t intentionally seek to know Him, how can I love Him with my entire being?

What may seem like a simple command, is actually the most difficult thing any of us can/will do in our lifetimes. That kind of love requires intention with every thought and action. It requires discipline and consistency. It requires thoughtfulness and selflessness.
That kind of love doesn’t happen by (& isn’t sustained by) accident.

Today, on this first day of the week, let us reach deep down inside us–into the deepest parts that we don’t want to uncover–and ask ourselves, do we love the Lord our God with EVERYTHING we have inside us? Does that love trump all other relationships or fame? Do we really seek to do life HIS way?


Made by “Crafty Dad and Daughter” find them on FB!

Lord, please help us to understand Your Truth. Help us to show our love and devotion to you in every area of our lives. Remind us that a life with You isn’t stuck in comfort zones, but is lived uncomfortably among the people who are seeking restoration and salvation. Remind us of our purpose, and light a fire within us to run after it with zeal. Help us to love you the way you demand to be loved–because anything less from us is not enough. ❤️

The curse of a good book…

Fun fact about me:
When I read a book I love, I DIVE IN. It consumes me in a way that’s embarrassing to admit. A good book makes me feel exactly what the characters feel, and the ones I love become a part of me.
When I read these books I find it hard to simply put them down and walk away thinking “that was a good book.” 👍🏼
Rather, I yearn for more–to know more about the story or the characters, or to live it out in my own life. (What?? Rachel you’re crazy.)
A good book can make me feel crazy. TV shows and movies can do that to me, too. But that’s less frequent now.
(Any of my middle school friends remember when I wanted you to call me “Buffy”? 😂)
But I still read. And I relish in the little bit of crazy that comes my way until enough time has passed that I’m over it and on to the next. 😉
(I just finished Four and Divergent… anyone up for some crazy risk taking and tattoos?? 😆 kidding… kind of..) IMG_4930.JPG

A reminder of purpose…

I posted this on FB in August 2015. It is a bit of my journey, and honestly I need the reminder today! It’s so hard to keep this mindset, but I will press on and thank God for every reminder like this along the way.

“A year and a half ago was when I finally started to understand the meaning of “healthy” and what that really looks like for me.
Before that I was constantly yo-yo-ing. I’d work really hard for a couple months; then either get bored with my activity (usually running) and quit all together, or I would workout for 3 weeks and then stop for a month and eat junk. I never made healthy living a priority until I connected it with my spiritual life.

I know that may sound crazy (it did to me a year and a half ago!), but the apostle Paul used athletic analogies so much in his letters, because when you push your body hard toward a goal you can more easily grasp the concept of our soul and spirit having to work hard to fight the flesh and press toward our goal: Heaven.

Once I made that connection and stopped cutting God out of my diet and exercise regimen, it got easier. I saw spiritual applications to physical difficulties. Things started clicking.

I don’t have all the answers, but God does. If you’re struggling to reach your health goals, put Him first and ask Him for help. It’s not about skinny, ripped, or “fit”; it’s about being the BEST you, so you can serve Him with all you have. Use the talents He gives you without excuse. 💗

Ps–This isn’t something that comes naturally to me. So when I write these things, please know that it comes from a girl who knows she is very imperfect–and at times very hypocritical. I have to work hard at keeping God at the forefront of my heart and mind so there is no room for the enemy and his
-“it’s not worth it”
-“being healthy doesn’t matter”

If you need prayers for this (as I do!), comment below, message, or email me: BeRadiant_716@yahoo.com”

August 7, 2015