What God is Teaching Us

Isn’t it amazing how learning never stops? As long as we are receptive to growth, we can learn. And when the teacher is The Great I Am… woah. My mind is constantly blown by the levels of depth found in elementary principles.

Lately, themes have been reoccurring in life and scripture, and as any good student will tell you, repetition means a point is trying to be made: God is teaching me something.


So of the 100s of things we need to learn and are still learning, we narrowed it down. Here is the short list; some of it is so simple it doesn’t seem worth sharing, but like I said.. there is so much depth to elementary principles. Especially when we are challenged to not only know them, but to apply them.

1) Cleaning up is hard. One room is most likely going to lead to another. We are in spring cleaning/rearranging mode in our house right now, but in order to really change the one room that is the primary goal, we’ve had to shift focus to others in order to make it all the way we want it. Now to the spiritual application…In our compartmentalized worlds we create for ourselves, we often try to “clean up” the one little room we think is cluttered, but then realize that, in order for this “room” to function as it should (as God desires), we must tidy up all the others as well because they all affect one another. Sometimes it’s a little picking up here and there, and often times it’s more of an overhaul. While we’re at it, let’s go ahead and demolish those walls we’ve built, too. God demands ALL of me, not just the rooms I want Him to see.

2) Sing while you can. A few months ago, Faith, a young college student we have watched grow up the last 7-8 years experienced a terrible car wreck resulting in severe brain damage, and is facing a long, arduous recovery. At the time, she can not verbalize at all. Up until her accident, singing praises to God and our Savior was pretty much her very favorite thing to do. We would spend extra time singing in between scheduled devotionals and song services because she enjoyed it so much. It has been a pleasure for me to lead many of those songs she loves to sing. Now, sadly, she can’t sing at all. She will attend our devotionals and still listen to her Church family lifting our voices, but as it stands, she can not add to the ensemble. I pray she will once again have the ability to sing to Him. God is telling me to sing praises to Him while I still can, with all my heart, mind, and soul. No physical gift or ability is guaranteed, so I must take absolute full advantage of of my abilities each day. Support Faith

3) I don’t HAVE to be right. Or more accurately, I don’t have to TELL everyone I’m right. I don’t know about you, but “setting people straight” is something I wrestle with.  I’ve given myself the job of making sure people in my presence know their information is inaccurate and I have what they need to be “right”. Woah. Writing that down makes my skin crawl and heart ache. Because I don’t have what anyone needs outside of Jesus, and advice given that wasn’t asked for is often not taken, am I right? Being the “actually” girl who is there to set the record straight often ends in strife, disunity, and walls built (instead of bridges). So God is teaching me to slow down, learn to be silent, and pray for wisdom, words that build, and a heart that seeks unity over being “right”. The only way I can do that effectively is by seeking my Savior and pointing others to Him, not me, every chance I get. 

3) Great communication is the only way a relationship will thrive. Teacher/student. Husband/wife. Parent/child. Boss/employee. Friend/friend. Communicate people! Until recently, I had never considered myself a poor communicator. But there’s a reason I tend to work better alone, not relying on groups or others (who may be also relying on me!)… I prefer to not plan ahead. I prefer to keep my feelings inside to stew instead of Matthew 5ing them. I prefer to keep whatever plans I’ve made to myself. I prefer to say things when I feel like it or think about it, instead of intentionally answering questions before they arise and making sure information is easily accessible to the ones seeking it. You can see where my preferences get me in a lot of communication troubles, right? Without a clear declaration of intention, how will my children know what I mean? How will my friends understand their value to me? How will my spouse be able to fulfill the desperate needs I have? They can’t. I have to communicate. Otherwise I’m left with the enemy of my soul who seeks to burn those bridges and isolate me in my stewing thoughts. And that option only leads to destruction.  

So there you have our short list, and we would love to hear yours! What is God teaching you? Have you paid attention to the repetition around you? Is God perhaps trying to get your attention so you’ll sit down and be taught?

9FABC216-9D2E-4D71-A293-F009AF7F1820We encourage you to prayerfully go to the Source, the perfect Word of God, and learn from Him. ~JMW & rmw