Are you a New Years Resolution person, or a Word of the Year person? I’ve become more of a goal-setter/Word of the Year gal, myself. For the past 2-3 years I’ve thought of a word that I could apply to multiple areas of my life. A word that would motivate me and get me back on track when it pops in my head. A couple of years ago it was HYDRATE (reminding me the Jesus is my true source of life…the well that never dries up.. also reminding me to drink more water!), and last year was Deliver/Follow-through (helping me focus on being true to my word and finishing what I start).
When trying to settle in on a word for 2018 I circled around a few, but kept coming back to one: PURPOSE.  More specifically, Purpose before Passion.

There are so many things I’m passionate about in this life. (Music! Theater! Healthy living and being a good steward of the life I’ve been blessed with! … to name a few… ;)) Things that bring me joy, that I could talk about for hours, that I would gladly choose before any obligation.
But following my passions first and foremost is NEVER in God’s best for me. Often it leads to a life of selfish desire/ambition and forgetting what is most important in my life–what He has put me on this earth to do. (Namely WORSHIP & serve Him by serving others; at the top of that list–my husband and my beautiful daughters.)
Don’t get me wrong, I believe that God places within us the ability to dream and imagine. He gives us drive and discipline, and He often allows hard work to be rewarded with worldly success. However, if passion comes first–if my “want to” is put before my Purpose, then I’m in for a dangerous fall. And sadly, I may never see it coming.

“Don’t let Satan hijack and use for evil, what God intended for your good.”

Satan, the enemy of my soul, has a way of hijacking what God meant for good in my life, and he will absolutely do that if I’m not ACTIVELY walking in the Spirit each and every day. I must be intentional about pursuing my purpose and seeking God’s will with gratitude.

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I see this prayer every time I look in my mirror, and I love how it preps my heart!

So, this year my intent is to put purpose before passion. In order to do that to the best of my ability, I need to incorporate all these words as well:

~discipline                                            ~seek                                              ~encourage
~intention                                             ~watch & pray
~consistency                                         ~zeal
~confidence                                          ~love
~peace                                                   ~care
~compassion                                        ~serve

Will you pray for me as I aim to create habits that will make my purpose second nature? Will you join me in pursuit of our higher (and most fulfilling) calling? Will you pray BOLDLY for yourself, that God will release you of any desire or passion that would hinder you from putting your purpose in Christ first?
(THAT is the hard part for me, my friends. Honestly asking my Creator to step in on my behalf and take away my selfish desire, take away the dreams in my heart that don’t align with my purpose…because deep down, I want to be a little selfish sometimes. I want to dream big and grasp for more money, more recognition, more, more, more…and THAT is why this word is so important for my growth this year. PURPOSE.)

Dear Lord, help me to see my purpose ever so clearly each day when I open my eyes. Help me to walk forward in YOUR best for me, truly submitting my will to Yours. Help me to be brave and courageous while I live every day with Your purpose for me in mind. Give me wisdom and discernment as I seek your Truth & Word daily. And help me to never grow weary of doing good and never grow weary when putting your will first, before anything my imagination can dream up. And Father, strip away anything in my heart that doesn’t come from You and doesn’t lead me closer to who You created me to be….

Art by Displaying Grace

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