“Die to self…

…Gain it all”

Words of wisdom and Truth courtesy of my workout shirt (from CTC).img_7293

My workout today was Turbofire:45… 45 minutes of kickboxing/dancing cardio.
It took me over an hour. 😬 I had to stop and rest every 10-15 minutes because I haven’t challenged myself like that in a LONG time. I remember thinking, “I am ALREADY sore from the workout I haven’t finished yet.” 😂

But I did it! I finished it! And it felt really good to accomplish something hard. (Celebrating small victories here!🎉)

Side note: if you’re new to exercise, or just getting back in the groove, it is OK to take breaks. Don’t quit, but give yourself time to recover so you can finish strong. 💪🏼💪🏾


Now, time for deeper thoughts: “die to self, gain it all.” At a glance one might think spending an hour to exercise is selfish or vain, but exercise doesn’t have to be that way.  Exercise creates an opportunity to grow discipline and self-control which can benefit me in many other areas of my life.

Honestly, my “self” today would have been happy eating more cookies and relaxing watching movies. (Which is what I HAVE BEEN doing too much of for too long.) And I very well may spend more time today with family eating and watching movies, but taking the time to exercise hard helped me crush a little bit of the lazy “want to” creeping up in me

Dying to self is a daily battle, and it starts on the inside. That doesn’t mean I neglect myself, but rather I put to death the “want tos” that hinder my relationship with Christ. Those things may look differently for me than they do for you; maybe they’re the same. God knows.  And each time I put my wants with no greater purpose, first, I pull a little farther away from who He wants me to be.

Exercise helps me be a good steward of the vessel God has blessed me with, scars and all. It helps me teach my girls that they CAN do hard things!  They can conquer what they put their little minds to with the right amount of discipline. And the discipline that grows in me through exercise helps me push past the “I don’t want tos” in my Spiritual walk because I’ve practiced it in my physical walk.

Sometimes it’s ugly and imperfect (death is rarely–if ever–beautiful), but the reward, the GAIN, will be well worth it.

Matthew 16:24 “Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.”

Galatians 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Romans 6!

and many more. 🙂

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things…

Today, I am sharing with you a few things I LOVE in case you are stumped on a gift for a girl in your life and need some extra help. 🙂

  1. My favorite “beauty” treatment, is my microdermabrasion wand from Neutrogena. You can get one here, or run to Walmart (That’s where I got mine).

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    Neutrogena Microdermabrasion System around $20

  2. Nail Polish!! My sweet sister-in-law showed me that nails can look beautifully manicured without tons of money at the salon, by just a little bit of TLC. Now, when I’m needing a beauty pick-me-up, I put on a Hallmark movie and paint my nails. 🙂 It’s wonderful.

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    Good (enough for me) nail polish runs between $2-$4. Choose a color that your know she likes, but may not wear often.  It’s fun to creep out of our comfort zones with nail polish! 🙂

  3. Beachbody on Demand! This is an easy gift/suggestion that requires no trip to the store!  BOD is a digital library of a TON of Beachbody workouts that you stream at home from your computer, phone, laptop, apple tv, etc. There is a new workout suggestion every day, so it’s impossible to get bored with your workouts. Plus, there’s exclusive content available on BOD that you can’t get anywhere else. For a while they were offering a 30 day free trial; I’m not sure if that’s still a thing, but you can ask this wonderful lady here.

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    BOD runs about $15 a month.

  4. Along with the workouts, you need cute and uplifting workout gear! I love CTC! Inspiring, scripture based, super comfy tanks you can wear to the gym, to bed, or dress up with layers and wear on date night!  It’s too late to order and get the item by Christmas, but you can’t go wrong with a gift card!

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    CTC items run between $20-$30. Worth it! I live in mine.

  5. Chocolate, y’all.  Tis the season for peppermint bark and white chocolate yummies.  All in moderation of course. If your woman likes chocolate (show me a woman who doesn’t like chocolate… I think I’ve met maybe 1 ever), she may love these.  Careful though, it’s hard to eat just one!
  6. A Knitting Loom. This one came in a set of 4. For those who are interested in knitting or crocheting, but don’t know how or get frustrated when they start, get a loom! My friend introduced me to these and I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to the other way! Hats for everyone for Christmas!! lol 🙂


    Loom Kit $15-$20 at Walmart.

  7. Last, but not least: supplements!  I used to think I only had to eat healthy and exercise to be perfectly healthy.  Yes. Eating well is a HUGE part of fitness and health; exercise helps tone muscle, improve endurance, burn fat, increase metabolism, etc. I could go on and on about the benefits of exercise! BUT God made our bodies to function at their top potential, when we are feeding ourselves with His foods and nutrients. That’s why I love Plexus.  Plant based, all natural ingredients, to help your body THRIVE. Not just get by. If you are feeling rotten all the time, it may be because your body doesn’t have what it needs to flourish.  Get with me.  Let’s figure out what you need to do to be your best. New Combo Pack Customers will receive a free gift!

    Prices vary. Most retail at less than $35 a bottle. Even less for preferred customers and ambassadors! Worth it, y’all.


  8. I almost forgot! DRY SHAMPOO… But not any ol’ dry shampoo.  THIS brand, Batiste. My second favorite is the Dove brand.  Seriously, every woman with hair needs this. Saves time in the morning, and shampoo in your shower. 🙂 img_7043

    Well I hope you enjoyed this post! Leave me some feedback in the comments so I can know if you want more posts like this one! 🙂


Jesus, tidy up this hot mess…

It’s Tuesday morning. I start my day by opening the Bible App and reading the full chapter and context around the “verse of the day.”

 “But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”  ~2 Corinthians 12:9

“Ok, Lord.  I have read this verse a hundred times.  What do you want me to see? How do you want me to receive this? Open my eyes.”

I read the chapter again, close the app, and roll out of bed.

(It’s surprisingly difficult to write the past like it’s the present, so I’m stopping that voice now…. lol.)

Aliza had been sick over the weekend and it was Christmas concert day at her school, so I let her sleep a little longer.  Fully planning on being a little late that day. (I teach the sweet three year olds at the preschool she attends.) Everything was by the door and ready to go when we finally got ready to leave.

Hiccup #1: My makeup was left in the other car, which my husband took to work. So I had to lead my class at their concert, feeling disheveled and unkempt.

Hiccup #2: We got to school (with time to spare), and I realized I forgot the shirts my 3 yr olds made specifically to wear during the concert, and the CD with their music.

Hiccup #3: I forgot to brush Aliza’s hair and she looked sick and homeless on stage. 😦

As I rode back home to get the CD and shirts, feeling my blood pressure rising and anxiety pushing its way through my mind, I hear His words from my time with Him that morning, “My Power is made perfect in weakness.”

“But, Lord, I want to be perfect for you! I want to show other’s that because of my dedication to You I try harder, I care more, I pursue excellence! This morning is not showing anyone those those things!  I want to be perfect for You!”

“But, dear one, My power is made perfect in weakness.”

“But in the past, people have said I’m the one who does the least.  Who doesn’t try as hard.  I’m the “hot mess” no one depends on to get things done.  I don’t want to be that girl! That isn’t who You want me to be, is it? It can’t be….”

“My power is made perfect in weakness.”

“Ok, Lord. I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Your power may rest on  me. Tidy up my hot mess.”

Here’s what I’ve learned:  I must give my best. And when my best gets run down with road blocks, hiccups, and detours, I must look to Christ. I must see what He needs to me to see and realize I cannot do it all, and that’s ok. It’s MORE than ok.  We need to be able to ask other people for help. To reveal our weaknesses to each other.  Not only do we give Christ a chance to shine through us when we admit we cannot do it on our own, but we open up opportunities for serving each other.

 God created me (and YOU) with immeasurable potential for greatness. Not because of who we are, but because of Who He is.  He has made me capable to complete (with excellence) tasks set before me.  Therefore, I will try. I will not settle for laziness and complacency in my faith or in life (just because giving my best and stepping out of my comfort zone is difficult for me).  I will try.  I will fail.  I will try again.

Because where I am weak, HE IS STRONG.  And my weaknesses are an opportunity for God to show His power at work within me.

So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations,[a] a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited. Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

A Nugget of Wisdom from “My Little Pony”

“Believing in something can help you do amazing things! But if that belief is based on a lie, eventually it’s gonna lead to real trouble.” ~AppleJack Pony

I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God is real; that the Bible is His Word to us; and everything therein is True, Holy, and worthy of utmost respect and consideration as it pertains to this life and eternity.

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“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Ps. 119:103

There are a lot of different schools of thought out there. Thoughts on salvation, worship, how we treat one another, how God sees us, how we should respond to Him, and so on. Thoughts that divide the body of believers because the Bible as been put on the back burner and what sounds good and unoffensive has been put at the front. Jesus prayed for unity among His followers (here), but all too often Satan gets in the way of the mission. We let our opinions and feelings guide us, essentially rooting our faith in quicksand instead of solid Rock. So how do we get back to unity and truth?  (More on the real meaning of unity this week; stay tuned!)

Friends, go to your Bible. He has given us everything we need in His words. Please don’t simply put your faith in a preacher, teacher, podcast, blog, or devotional book. Make sure every one you admire & respect in spiritual matters clings to the Holy Word of God as their source of life and godliness. We are all imperfect, flawed human beings. We can’t possibly say and do everything right 100% of the time.

But the good news is that God can, and He already did! Hallelujah! The only way to know His untainted Word, is by opening it up and studying it for yourself. 💗

So, heed the words of “AppleJack” the pony 😉 and don’t get caught up in a believing a lie that will eventually lead to trouble. Weigh everything you hear from people of faith with the Word of God Himself.  Pray for discernment and guidance.  And seek His Truth with your whole heart dear friend.  God has promised us that when we pursue Him first in our lives, we will find Him.

If you are struggling with where to start, find a mentor (feel free to email me!) who holds to His Truth above all else, and who will study with you without bias. I am praying for you my friend! May God bless you today as you seek Him first and weed out the lies of the world, and may you be a blessing to someone who is in need.

(Scriptures to consider: 2 Peter 1:32 Timothy 3: 16-172 Timothy 4:3-4Matthew 6:33Matthew 15:8-9Jer. 29:8-9, 12-13Matthew 7: 21-23Acts 22:16Romans 6)