It all comes down to…

My beautiful girls. They are my why. My mission.

Processed with VSCO with c1 presetIt is because of these two that my faith matters so much to me. God shows me through the eyes of parenthood how important it is for me to abide in Him. Apart from Him, I cannot be the Mom I need to be. Apart from Him I can’t mold them into Princess Warriors for His Kingdom. He shows me the need for Godly wisdom and counsel every time I look in their eyes.

My daughters are also the reason I strive for a healthy lifestyle. They are why I exercise and aim to get stronger. Why I push myself and try not to take several days “off” from workouts. They need a strong Momma to teach them healthy habits.
Why do I take my supplements? Because they are a phenomenal tool in this healthy life. With them, saying “no” to things that will ultimately do my body harm, is a lot easier. Having the energy to give it my all in a workout at the end of the day, is possible. And being able to control my temper without my temper controlling me–HUGE!! And did I mention that I’m happier? Gut health and depression, y’all–real connection.
So I take my supplements because I am BETTER for it–and my kids need me to be my best.

And I didn’t even touch on the business side of it all!! Soccer, new shoes when needed, healthy CHILDREN–so they can take their own supplements, piano lessons, swimming, date nights, movies, trips to see family, vacations, etc.!

Processed with VSCO with f2 presetThat is why. And it’s all rooted in these two precious faces. šŸ’—